giovedì 16 dicembre 2010

Goodbye Lullaby

Eccovi la copertina del nuovo cd di Avril Lavigne..
Il cd dovrebbe uscire internazionalmente l'8 Mar del prossimo anno.

Ed ecco una citazione dal sito ufficiale in cui potete scoprire in grossetto alcune delle tracce e di cosa parlano /che stile hanno
Among its upbeat tracks are "What the Hell," an unabashed embrace of fun and freedom, and "Stop Standing There," fueled by an early-‘50s girl-group feel. The album runs the gamut of emotions: Lavigne expresses her gratitude for special people in her life in the rocker "Smile," explores the dynamics of a relationship in "Push," shows her vulnerable side in "Wish You Were Here," and finds the strength to close one chapter of her life and move on to the next in the title track "Goodbye.

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